The Key Process for Manifesting Your Desires in This Life

Many clients come in to sessions with a vision of what they want

  • A thriving creative practice

  • Quitting their job and traveling the world

  • Feeling less anxiety in general

  • Moving through the tough emotions of grief

  • Not letting trauma take over life

  • Consistent successful launches (financially and emotionally)

These are all BIG desires and big asks - especially when it comes from exploring this in one session! It has taken me since 2008 to heal, grow, experiment, and learn what I really want and what works from me. Aligning desires to reality is a a constant in life. However, as the efficient generator and introverted enneagram 4 that I am, I have some very tangible exercises that I have recommended and personally used myself.

THE OOD Process

Originally created by Havi Brooks and was introduced to my by Jessica Serran this journaling/thought process helps to get to the core of your desire and utilizes both intuition and rational planning to break things down.

  1. State Your OOD (Object of Desire)

    This. is your desire, the thing you want the most, the manifestation

  2. Is that really what you want?

    Dig a little deeper - maybe the weight loss/new job/money is something deeper? Maybe not, but this question confirms it

  3. What are the qualities of this desire if you had it now?

    List out the emotions and qualities - for example: I want to change my job. The quality is being respected, getting paid more, end of struggle, ease, growth, etc. Get as detailed with these qualities and feelings as possible. Feel them now here in the present. This is how we can immerse ourselves in the desire.

  4. Why do you want this desire? These qualities?

    Is it being sick and tired of the status quo? Listening. to a bigger calling? Why now, why is it so important to you?

  5. What ifs?

    This is where we have space to witness the monsters, the fears, and anxieties. We do not want to bypass our lived experiences. What are the hesitancies, catastrophizings, doubts, and dramas that are happening inside?

  6. Nuts and Bolts

    What are the actions that immediately come to mind that need to get done? What needs to be put on the calendar? Who needs to get contacted? What is the admin of life that needs to happen?

  7. What will be helpful/supportive to make sure this happens?

    Is it setting up. an alarm, putting in the calendar otherwise it won’t happen? Getting an accountability buddy? Joining a likeminded community?

  8. Channel your future self

    This is the self that already got fit, is the professional artist, is the strong intuitive business owner. They already manifested their desire

  9. Who are your allies?

    These are your speed dial people, organizations, care team

  10. Map it out

    For real, physically, in a schedule, with post its - whatever you need.

  11. Process the pain and the parts

    This. iswhere things may become real, raw, and uncomfortable. That is okay and very normal. You may. betaking a big leap and big emotions are coming through. Give yourself space to witness and hold space for the fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. This. is grief in its most inner form.

  12. Review

    Give yourself time to engage with your plan and the nuts and bolts. Come back to your OOD as you follow up with what you said you were going to do. Set a date for when you want to make this happen. Review what worked, what did not and repeat.